Servicing and repairing all makes and models, we arrive where you want us with what we need to get the job done. Toyota, Ford and Holden are all attended to on site at the best time that suits the vehicle owner, not the mechanic. Cutting out the workshop saves you valuable time and money in travelling and arranging alternative transport for a schedule that fits with your mechanic. In your local area our mechanics have already completed on the spot services and repairs for Chrysler , Audi and Holden . As a mobile mechanic, your specialist has what they need to complete your vehicle’s repairs and service on time. Using only quality parts like centre bearing , harmonic balancer and power steering your repairs are completed on site without the need for follow-ups or trips into the workshop at all.
Does your local mechanic in Ormeau do house calls? We do. We are Australia’s #1 fleet of completely mobile mechanics who are local to everywhere including in Mt Petrie, Hillcrest Heights and Daisy Hill. We service and repair your vehicle in whatever location that you specify. So you can have your car serviced wherever you happen to be like the office, your home address, or anywhere else that you are. Our mechanics have serviced over 1,321 vehicles for owners at their chosen specified time throughout the last year. Our mechanics have commonly worked on Log book servicing in your local area and will arrive fully equipped to carry out a range of mechanical service work and repairs like replacing a noisey exhaust and tensioner idler pulley adjustment . Our fleet even includes specialist tyre mechanics available for on site tyre replacement.
Fuel Pump repair.
Repair: Front shock absorber
Repair: Power steering hose needs replacing
We will arrive on time, where you need us, and with whatever we need to get the job done whether you drive makes like Mitsubishi or Ford . Our friendly mechanics will keep you in the loop on any and all work, explaining throughout what they’re doing to keep your vehicle operating at optimum performance levels. In just the last three months our clients have left us over 0 positive reviews. We provide high quality service on the spot, cutting out the stress and inconvenience of attending mechanic workshops. Book a mobile mechanic from Lubemobile and have your car conveniently serviced or repaired at the location of your choice by one of our one of our 31 mechanics in Brisbane South.
Please click on the links below to find suburbs we service in these areas. If you can’t see your suburb listed, contact us and we’ll locate the nearest Lube Mobile to you!